Friday, 15 June 2012

Good health

As we know everyone wants a good health and its important part of human’s life. Everyone needs a good smile on the face. Teeth are the most essential part of the body which makes body attractive and pleasing. Nowadays everyone loves various kinds of ways to improve their face and want to look brighter.

Main objective of every dentist to cure precious smile and everyone would love to have a good smile and a lovely smile wins many hearts. People use various kinds of ways to shine their teeth. Some people have lovely teeth and they always look attractive

Now a person use bleaching kits so that their teeth look brighter and gain confidence to talk to others and he or she doesn’t feel shy when they talk to others.

Bleaching kits are used by person and bleaching kits are prescribed by dentist so that they can maintain lovely teeth. In today’s world intake of cold drinks by youth or teenagers is increasing and their teeth get stained, yellowish and cavity in their teeth. More intake of cold drinks their stained teeth changes to worse teeth.

Every person or citizens is suffered from teeth sensitivity. Teeth sensitivity is the major problems in human’s life. Everyone wants to get rid of this dirty pain because this pain is so painful and person becomes uncomfortable to talk to others. Persons is not able to drink or hot and cold water or any food item. Now in market to relief from teeth sensitivity there are available so many teeth sensitivity toothpastes. Person also goes to the dentist to relief from this powerful pain.

Bristles of brushes should be soft so person should use soft bristles brush and person has to change their brush after every two month so that person maintains their lovely teeth. Every person has a plaque in their teeth. Plaque is layer of food or bacteria that remain in the centre of teeth. to reduce plaque flossing should be done by every person every day. Even brush is not able to reach at plaque side so flossing process should be used by every person. Regular consumption of acids like citreous acids, tomato, pickles, cold drinks or any other item which contains citreous acid can destroy enamel or dentin layer. so person must avoid consuming of cold drinks or any other thing which contain citreous or artificial agents to protect their teeth. Plaque in person teeth can cause sensitivity.

Mouthwashes are also used by every person we also called mouth rinse. Listerine is the mouth rinse that reduces plaque in person teeth. Long term use of mouth rinse can cause enamel because that contain acid as I already said acid are harmful for our enamel or teeth. Some day person can use mouth rinse but not every day and it also reduces badly breathe. Acids can damage dentin layer of teeth so person immediately should consult to the dentist. Some person opts for cleaning to remove plaque but it’s a bad option for people because it damages the layer of enamel so person must avoid it.

So this is my opinion to reduce dental problems if person follow this they can live life happily ever.

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